
Demystifying the Spanish Driving Points System: A Roadmap to Keeping Your License

Aug 3, 2023 | Fiscal/Legal

Driving is a liberating experience that comes with responsibilities. In Spain, the driver’s license points system plays a crucial role in promoting safe driving practices and maintaining road safety. Understanding how this system works is essential for every motorist to safeguard their driving privileges. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the intricacies of the Spanish points system, including the initial points allocation, deductions for traffic violations, and the thresholds and penalties that drivers may face. By delving into the details of this system, we aim to equip young drivers with the knowledge and awareness they need to become responsible and conscientious road users.

Points Allocation

When embarking on their journey as licensed drivers in Spain, all motorists are granted an initial allocation of 12 points. These points serve as a measure of a driver’s adherence to traffic laws and safe driving practices. Responsible drivers who respect traffic rules and prioritize safety will maintain their full points balance throughout their driving tenure. This means that by following the rules and avoiding traffic violations, they can enjoy uninterrupted access to the open road, free from any points deductions.

The points allocation system is designed to encourage drivers to uphold high standards of driving behavior. It serves as a reward for responsible conduct and adherence to traffic regulations. Drivers who maintain their full points balance showcase their commitment to being safe and conscientious road users.

The 12-point allocation also acts as a buffer for new drivers, offering them some leeway as they gain experience on the road. It recognizes that every driver may make occasional mistakes or face challenging situations, and the initial points provide some forgiveness during the early stages of their driving journey.

Points Deduction for Violations

The Spanish points system operates on the principle of reward and consequence. Different traffic violations result in varying point deductions, depending on their severity. Minor infractions, such as parking violations or exceeding the speed limit by a few kilometers per hour, may lead to the loss of one or two points. These minor deductions serve as reminders to drivers to be cautious and attentive while behind the wheel.

On the other hand, severe violations carry more substantial point deductions. Offenses such as driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, reckless driving, and causing accidents due to negligence can lead to significant point deductions. These deductions serve as stern warnings against dangerous driving behaviors that endanger both the driver and others on the road.

It is crucial for young drivers to understand that the points deduction system is not meant to be punitive but rather to encourage better driving practices. The goal is to incentivize drivers to prioritize safety and comply with traffic regulations at all times.

Very serious infringements

As a general rule you can not lose more than 8 points in a day, but there are exceptions, when it comes to some infractions they are very serious.
Cauation! You can lose all the points on your driving licence in a single day if:

  • You drive with alcohol levels not allowed, or with the presence of drugs in the system
  • You refuse to submit to alcohol and drug testing
  • You exceed the authorized speed by more than 50%
  • You perform a manifestly reckless driving
  • You drive a vehicle with radar jammers installed
    You drive in the opposite direction to the established one
  • You run unauthorized races
  • You fail to comply by more than 50% with the mandatory driving rest times in case of being a professional driver.

Thresholds and Penalties

The points system in Spain involves specific thresholds and penalties that drivers may face based on their accumulated points. Reaching six points results in a warning letter being sent to the driver, urging them to improve their behavior on the road. This early intervention is meant to alert drivers to potential issues with their driving conduct and prompt them to rectify their actions.

If a driver’s points balance drops to four points, they must attend a course on road safety and driver responsibility. This intervention aims to provide drivers with additional knowledge and guidance to enhance their driving skills and behavior. The course emphasizes the importance of adhering to traffic rules, practicing defensive driving, and maintaining a responsible attitude while driving.

If a driver’s points balance reaches zero or falls into negative territory, their license may be suspended for a designated period. This suspension period serves as a consequence for repeated or severe traffic violations and highlights the serious implications of not prioritizing road safety.

Driving with a license without points after being notified of its loss of validity is considered a criminal offense, carrying potential penalties of imprisonment for 3 to 6 months or a fine of 12 to 24 months.

Alternately, community service for 31 to 90 days may be imposed. Drivers whose points balance reaches zero will receive a notification from the Traffic Department, which will resolve the loss of validity of their driving license if deemed necessary. The prohibition to drive will come into effect only after receiving this resolution, allowing drivers to continue driving until then.

In Closing

The Spanish driver’s license points system is an essential aspect of promoting responsible and safe driving practices among motorists. By understanding the points allocation, deductions for violations, and the thresholds and penalties involved, young drivers can navigate the road with heightened awareness and commitment to road safety.

Emphasizing responsible driving, adherence to traffic rules, and the significance of maintaining a full points balance can help ensure a safer and more harmonious driving environment for everyone on the road. As young drivers embark on their driving journey, let us encourage them to embrace the values of responsible driving, making Spain’s roads a safer and more enjoyable place for all.

You can find all the details here on the official DGT page on points.