
Madrid City Extends Free Bicimad Service

Jul 23, 2023 | Practical

The Madrid City Council has taken a significant step towards promoting sustainable urban mobility by extending the free municipal electric bicycle service, Bicimad, until December 31. This innovative initiative was launched on March 7 and has already made a substantial impact on the city’s cycling landscape. By offering unlimited free use of the service until July 31, the council aimed to encourage cyclist mobility and familiarize citizens with the advantages of the revamped public electric bicycle system managed by the Municipal Transport Company.

A Groundbreaking Extension

The extension of Bicimad’s generalized gratuity for nearly ten months marks a pioneering move by the Madrid City Council. The new model of bicycles, characterized by enhanced ergonomics, robustness, and improved user experience, has been gradually integrated into the service and is expected to be fully operational by September 30. The system is currently present in all 21 districts of the city and boasts a record number of users.

An Overwhelming Success

Since the complete elimination of the old bicimad system on May 26, the new service has registered a staggering number of trips. In just a short span, almost one million trips (973,060) have been recorded, with daily trips exceeding 20,000 on 19 separate occasions. This remarkable achievement surpasses the previous record of 17,000 daily uses, which had only been achieved three times in the past.

On July 12, a historic milestone was reached when 24,835 daily uses were logged, making it the highest number of daily trips in the service’s history. Additionally, as of July 18, Bicimad had garnered a remarkable 134,386 subscribers, a significant 69.8% increase from the 79,140 subscribers registered in April 2021.

Expanding Accessibility and Intermodality

The ongoing expansion project aims to make Bicimad accessible across all 21 districts of Madrid, fostering intermodality and sustainable mobility throughout the city. The 611 bases and 7,500 bicycles are set to be fully implemented by the end of September. This strategic placement of stations enhances connectivity and encourages residents to opt for eco-friendly transport options.

Environmental Sustainability Strategy

The expansion and technological upgrade of Bicimad are part of the Madrid 360 Environmental Sustainability Strategy, driven by the Madrid City Council. This initiative seeks to establish the city as a model for sustainable mobility and improved air quality. With an investment of 48.8 million euros, the project received substantial support, with 30 million euros in European funding from NextGenerationEU funds, channelled through the Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan.

The Free Period and Migration

To ensure access to bicycles for all users, Bicimad maintains its policy of allowing free use for up to 30 continuous minutes. During the free period, new subscriptions and renewals require no additional charges or processes. However, as the migration period comes to an end, users are encouraged to shift to the new system through the mobile application before September 30, as the old system is scheduled to go offline after that date.

Final thoughts

The extension of the free Bicimad service by the Madrid City Council is a remarkable initiative that has captured the attention and support of residents. With a surge in users and unprecedented daily trip records, the electric bicycle service has become an integral part of Madrid’s urban mobility landscape. By promoting sustainable transportation and reducing carbon emissions, Bicimad plays a crucial role in the city’s efforts to create a cleaner and more livable environment for its citizens. The strategic alignment with the Madrid 360 Environmental Sustainability Strategy and the substantial financial support from European funds further solidify Madrid’s commitment to a greener future.